Thursday, July 17, 2008

To Clear It Up

All the posts previous to this were for an agriculture class I took at Sierra last semester. I'm continuing with this whole blog thing though since I found out other people use this for some interesting stuff, so, now that that's out of the way... uhh... yep.


RachAEL said...

Hey steven! you're right! i didnt recognise u @ first bc of the "o" lol jk idk if u kno me-im the quiet(or not-so-quiet) daughtor of Bryan and Janie Sippel. idk if u kno them...maybe my dad.idk. my brother is michael and sister is katie (katelyn). but anyway thats cool that you got a blog and you like to play the drums and stuff! i have no musical talent what-so-ever so im just amazed at people who can ACTUALLY play musical instruments! like my friend shannon she's an amazing trumpet player for our school band...but im just monologing now so... ya :) im not the only one who has a blog theres also bj (im pretty sure u kno him) [[]] rachel c. [[]]and her brothers joey[[]] and ben[[]], and my sister[[]]. josiah of course has one and i think thats about all... and we're all still trying to find out who this "saul" person is, and i think it IS brady-haha nice try! but i dont think he has a blog so we cant leave anonomous comments saying "we know who u are" n stuff like that :) so anyway have a good day and ill maybe see u tomoro @ church (idk if im working in the preschool, or the jr high service, or go to the big service) so if i dont see u then have a good week n stuff and good luck on studies and whatever else is going on :) God Bless!
-Rachael (or bambi, whatever you want to call me--but make sure u call BJ "young buffalo"-he hates that!! :D )

RachAEL said...

ok hey its me again. ok so apparently katie (my sister) changed her blog so its no longer moosesareawesome it is [[]]

...sooo yea... :)

ps: sorry bout the essay comment lol gl reading it :)

RachAEL said...

ok seriously! i kno im like the only one commenting, lol, but me and my friend heather (shes gonna make a blog soon...) were wondering how u got the background to stay still like that while the rest of it can scroll down!! thats so awesome!!! thx :)

B.J. said...

hey steven was up dude are you havin a nice summer or what??

Lady Mew said...

HAI STEVEN!!!!!!! im Heather, the girl Rachael was typing about! you dont know me and i dont know you, but hi!

OMG!!! yeah! the whole stationary background thing iz soooooo cool! teach us pleezes...okey?

oh, and are you SAUL?

hehehe! nope!


YAY SAUL!!!!!!!


Fredthefish said...

I just wanted to let you know your drumming is awesome! keep it up. i hope God opens more opportunities for you to drum!

Lady Mew said...




RachAEL said...

Hey, I got ur comment-its ok if ur computers down or whatever—my mom tries to get us off the computer so I miss a lot of comments so thx for posting where I can find it! lol "big church" and ok thx- cuz that background trick is cool! and cool, ya dont rush or anything bc i still hafta finish some other ideas before i start the verses thing, im just thinkin ahead. and ya, brady confessed he was kayzar! lol!!! and i asked josiah and he says hes NOT SAUL!!! so like all my theories are in the dumpster now! Haha soooo now we have:
-fred the fish and
-black raspberry

I STILL don’t know who these ppl are, so if you have any idea leave a comment! Thx!

Lady Mew said...

nope! no idea Twinnay!!! hehe! to bad!

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^" XOXOXO