Monday, August 11, 2008

New Layout!

So, I've been working on a new background for my myspace for quite a while, but decided I liked the old one quite a bit, so I put up the new one on here! This is HARDLY worth making a post about, but I figured I'd direct some attention toward it. The focus of the picture is hidden by all the blog posts, but oh well.

Let me know if there's anything your artistic eye sees that may be a good change. I know, for starters, the banner and the background and the kaleidoscope background sort of clash. I ran into super difficulties putting them up, so once they got to work I didn't worry about them too much.


B.J. said...

Dang this is awesome dude. You really must have alot of time on your hands.

Kayzar said...

Go slightly lighter on the text. It will just make it easyer to see. otherwise it's awesome.

RachAEL said...

hey i think its cool! idk how u did it but its cool!

o and im taking a web design class and bought a book on HTML and XHTML and it had all that coding stuff that makes the background stay in place etc and IT MAKES SENSE NOW! so thanks for helpin wit that! :DDD

Lady Mew said...

whoa!!! thatz soooooo kool!!! wut? awesum! "^.^"
yu gotz sum crazy mad skizzlez Stievow!!! @%DDP

OMG! Rachael yu should do the werd crawly thing! yu kno how to do that now!!! 888D

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"