Monday, July 28, 2008

Man Shoots Lawnmower!

I was looking around the news today and saw an article from July 26 that I laughed hard about, I figured I'd share.

This post is from

Don't shoot the Lawn-Boy
Man faces 6 years for armed assault on mower

Posted: July 26, 2008
12:00 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Keith Walendowski

It just wasn't Keith Walendowski's day.

After having a few drinks before 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, he noticed his grass was overgrown.

So he tried to fire up his 21-inch Lawn-Boy.

Nothing doing. It wouldn't start.

He did what any 57-year-old southside Milwaukee native would do. He pulled out his sawed-off shotgun and blew the mower away.

"I'll tell you the truth," a criminal complaint quotes an apparently inebriated Keith Walendowski. "I got p----- because my lawn mower wouldn't start, so I got my shotgun and shot it. I can do that. It's my lawn mower and my yard, so I can shoot it if I want."

But the police weren't having any part of it.

After shooting the mower, he went in his basement, where he was arrested by police, the complaint says.

Police recovered the shotgun, shells, a handgun, rounds for the handgun and a stun gun.

Dick Wagner of Wagner's Garden Mart told the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel shooting the mower didn't help Walendowski's chances of getting it repaired.

"Anything not factory recommended would void the warranty," he said.

"No matter what the cause."

Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Not Moving Background!

Alright! Sorry it took so long, I figured since multiple people were asking, it would be easier to make one post here instead of going to each page and commenting them. So, basically. If you click on that little "Customize" link on the top right of your page, you'll go to a screen that looks like this (click on the little picture and it'll make it bigger):

Free Image Hosting at

So, you want to get to that first page, under the Layout tab, go to "Page Elements."

Now, one of my page elements is that "HTML/JavaScript" one on the bottom right-ish area.

If you go to that, and click edit, it'll bring up that window up there over everything else, that's the ticket right there. You'll enter CSS in there to make the changes for your background! I made my background and things and put them in through there, so I don't know if it'll work with their default backgrounds also, but it's worth a try.

So, anyway, in that window where you can edit the HTML/JavaScript, you'll need to put this:

<style type="text/css">
background-position:top left;

In case it helps, this is kind of what that all means:

The background-image part is if you want to add in your own background. That url it's got there is for the picture that's on my background right now, so you can either take that out, or put in your own.

The background-attachment: fixed is what makes it stop from moving, but for that to work, background-position has to be at "top left." (I think)

And then, background-repeat just tells it to either let the picture keep going in all directions or not, no-repeat just makes it so the picture is only there once.

Hah, I'm not much of a teacher, so let me know if I need to explain anything better for you!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

To Clear It Up

All the posts previous to this were for an agriculture class I took at Sierra last semester. I'm continuing with this whole blog thing though since I found out other people use this for some interesting stuff, so, now that that's out of the way... uhh... yep.