Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Food Safety

Ultimately, I believe it is up to the consumer to be responsible for food safety. Too many times humans try to push the blame over to somebody else, but if consumers were more cautious about their food many of the problems would be solved. I'm not saying I don't appreciate all the programs that are in place, but the consumer should be more responsible for their selves as well.

For example, if consumers were to report every time they became sick from food from a specific company, then other consumers could see these records and refuse to buy from that company. This would in turn cause the company to clean up whatever problems they may have. Even with all of the programs in place to ensure food safety, consumers can still pull their weight. For example, we read a two page guide on food safety regarding turkey. If there's a two page guide for turkey, I'm sure there are multiple precautions to take in preparing and storing any food that may be overlooked and cause problems.

In the case of a restaurant's, it's a little more difficult for the consumer to take precautionary responsibility their first time there. However, if they experience illness related to food after eating there, they can let the restaurant know, and in turn, I'm sure the restaurant would be more than happy to fix whatever it was that led to that consumer's misfortune so that the chances of it happening again are greatly reduced.

We, the consumers, control what we put into our bodies, so ultimately: we should take responsibility for those actions.

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