Was Malthus wrong because food production has kept up with population growth or will he be right sometime in the future? If so, what will the secondary impacts of increasing food production be?
I personally believe that Malthus is wrong about Food Production vs. Population Growth. While it's obvious that Malthus was a very intelligent person, I think he may have overlooked the unlimited possibilities of mankind. He did mention that population would influence production, but then further production would create even more growth in population.
We have sent men to the moon. We operate many parts of our daily lives by little chunks of metal constantly falling around the curvature of the earth sending and receiving signals. I heard rumors of a plan for a space-plane, which would make it possible to fly with the control of an airplane outside of earth's atmosphere. In this sense, not even the sky is the limit to what humans can do.
I believe there are endless solutions to the endless answers that arise on this planet, and if forced to, people are capable of doing some pretty impossible things. Sure, as population grows, so will food production, and as production grows, so will population, creating and limitless cycle on a limited landmass, but I don't think we've seen even a glimpse of what is going to be in our future.
Maybe I'm looking at this from a too optimistic view, but I really don't see in my head what can prevent humans from overcoming what's ahead.
If population control must be implemented, I suppose measures such as one-child policies are a possible solution. The only problem I see with this is that some families (or so I've heard) see a girl as less profitable, so they will get rid of the child in order to have a boy. How true is this? I'm not certain, but if this is the case, then something else could be done. I have also heard that families in China who wish to have more than one child can simply move out of the country, have their child, and then move back, but it's definitely still a method to reduce the number of children in the country as a whole.
This may sound ridiculous, but I think another option would be to work on making people more tolerable to homosexuals. If more homosexuals were to be married and faithful to each other, then that would be one less pair of people producing offspring, which could equate to quite a difference.
Ultimately, I believe Jesus is coming back, and probably will before the World is strained beyond human consumption.
I'm usually a pretty logical person basing all of my ideas off of hard truth, but in the case of Human Population and Food Production, I don't believe I could ever learn enough to REALLY estimate what will happen and how to prevent, or promote, what may come.
Busy Busy Busy.
Well the title says it all I have been very busy as of late. I'm trying to
catch up ect right now. Heres a update on my life:
1. I'm no longer going to wes...
15 years ago
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