Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Food Safety Blog

In my opinion, food safety is the consumer's responsibility. If the consumer is concerned with what he or she is eating, he or she better look into where that comes from. Sure, the companies should be somewhat concerned about it, but in the case that they'll loose business if they aren't.

A lot of people, I've noticed, try to shift responsibilities onto other people, but really, people should start stepping up. When something goes wrong, people don't want to have blame on themselves so they look for the easiest excuse, which often starts with, "It wasn't my fault-." If something is going to affect somebody, that somebody should be concerned about what it is that's affecting them and take the initiative to step up and take responsibility.

I may have veered from the topic a little bit, but essentially, the fact can be applied to Food Security as well, I'm sure.

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